2023年8月30日讀畢需時 1 分鐘
Welcome to join ART Lab! 歡迎對於資源再生技術有興趣的研究生、專題生加入ART研究室的團隊~ 請填寫以下問卷讓我們更能了解你/妳~
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「先進資源再生技術研究室」Advanced Recycling Technology (ART) Laboratory 採用了都市採礦(urban mining)的概念,針對日常生活中使用後廢棄的物質開發回收再生的工程技術,期能促使資源永續循環利用。舉凡生活垃圾焚化後的灰渣、金屬冶煉產生的爐渣、工業汙泥、粉塵、農業廢棄資材、廢光電產品等,都是ART研究室探討的對象。ART研究室更希望扭轉再生資源品質差、價値低的刻板印象,以開發具有附加價値或功能性的材料為目標。ART研究室認為天地萬物都是「資源」,唯須透過適當的技術將物質妥善的分離、轉化後賦予其新生命、新價値。歡迎有志一同的夥伴、先進加入ART團隊共同努力與成長~
Advanced Recycling Technology (ART) Laboratory adopts the concept of "urban mining" to develop the technologies for recovering valuable substances from wastes in our daily life, thus promoting the sustainable circulation of resources. The wastes that ART lab studies include incinerator ashes, ferrous and non-ferrous slags, industrial sludges and dusts, agricultural wastes, e-waste, etc. ART lab has tried to reverse the bias against recycled materials (e.g., low-quality and low-value) and attempts to develop functional or high added-value materials. ART lab suggests that everything is resource if we can properly separate or transform the wastes into useful materials. Anyone interested in this idea is welcome to join ART lab~